The Essential Qualities of a Great Coach and Mentor

Having the right qualities of a great coach and mentor is essential for achieving success. Outstanding coaches and mentors don't do it alone, but take pleasure in seeing the person they are developing reach their goals. It's not that these great coaches and mentors have “arrived”, but that they are self-aware and confident enough to be their true selves and be fully present in the moment. When you train or mentor an adult or adolescent in leadership, you are preparing them to take responsibility for their future, so you can be sure that you will leave your organization or industry in good hands.

Coaching and mentoring have a lot of overlap, and both require excellent communication skills to effectively advise or train another person. Listening is an essential part of communication, so mentors and coaches should take time to actively listen when working with trainees. The care of a mentor or coach isn't something that should be judged or demanded, but without it, the process rarely has a life-changing impact. To help you become a great coach or mentor, here are six essential qualities to strive for:


Self-awareness is the ability to recognize your own emotions, thoughts, and behaviors. It's important for coaches and mentors to be aware of their own feelings and reactions so they can better understand those of their trainees.

Self-awareness also helps coaches and mentors stay focused on the task at hand and not get distracted by their own emotions.


Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of another person. It's important for coaches and mentors to be able to put themselves in the shoes of their trainees so they can better understand their needs and challenges. Empathy also helps build trust between the coach/mentor and trainee, which is essential for successful coaching/mentoring.


Patience is key when it comes to coaching and mentoring. Coaches and mentors need to be patient with their trainees as they learn new skills or develop new habits.

Patience also helps create an environment where mistakes can be made without fear of judgment or criticism.


Open-mindedness is the ability to consider different perspectives without judgment or bias. Coaches and mentors need to be open-minded when working with their trainees so they can better understand their needs and challenges. Open-mindedness also helps create an environment where different ideas can be explored without fear of criticism.


Flexibility is the ability to adapt quickly to changing circumstances. Coaches and mentors need to be flexible when working with their trainees so they can adjust their approach as needed.

Flexibility also helps create an environment where different approaches can be explored without fear of failure.


Confidence is the belief in one's own abilities. Coaches and mentors need to have confidence in themselves so they can better guide their trainees towards success. Confidence also helps create an environment where mistakes can be made without fear of judgment or criticism.

Having these qualities will help you become a great coach or mentor who can help others reach their goals. Remember that coaching/mentoring isn't about having all the answers; it's about being present, listening, understanding, and guiding your trainee towards success.